How to Prep Your Ceiling Fans for Fall and Winter

Fall is fast approaching and might even be in full swing depending on when you’re reading this. With the last half of the year comes changing leaves, after-school snacks, football, and home maintenance to prep for the incoming cold. Ceiling fans are so much more than summertime appliances. The reality is, just like how you use your lights year-round, you should also use your elegant Casablanca fans year-round too! Here are some tips to help you prep your ceiling fans for fall and winter.

Why You Should Use Your Ceiling Fans in the Fall and Winter

Some people assume that since ceiling fans can keep you comfortable with a breeze, they are only good for the spring and summer months. In reality, fans don’t produce cold air, but rather help to circulate the air in a room, making the room more comfortable. Since hot air rises and cool air stays near the floor, ceiling fans will spin counterclockwise in summertime. This pushes the hot air down while stirring up the lower, cooler air, allowing it to circulate.

When you power up your heater, you can help spread that warm air around the room with your ceiling fan. Simply locate the directional switch on the fan and flip it. Now the fan will pull cold air up, pushing down the hot air at the top of the room to increase heating efficiency. Start the ceiling fan on low to double-check that it’s moving in a clockwise direction and you’re good to go!

Get Rid of Any Dust Bunnies

Get out your step ladder because now is a good opportunity to make sure that everything is in tip-top condition and your ceiling fans are clean. Fan blades typically collect dust bunnies over time, but with a soft cloth and some cleaner, you can wipe them off with ease. If you want to avoid making a mess, you can also use a vacuum cleaner with a hose or even a pillowcase to neatly scoop up any dirt and debris.

Perform Any Maintenance

While you’re paying attention to your ceiling fans, check to make sure they are in perfect working order. Double-check that all of the screws are tight. You might also need to lubricate the motor if it’s squeaking—the top of the motor housing should have a small hole for oil if it is required. Also, if the ceiling fan is wobbling while in use, it might be due for balancing. You can pick up a balancing kit and do it yourself relatively easily—that should take care of any wobble!

If You’re Thinking About an Upgrade, Now’s Your Chance

Maybe you have wanted to upgrade your ceiling fan to one of the aviation-inspired Minka Aire fans, but you’ve been putting it off. Well, since it’s the start of the new season, it’s as good a time as any to upgrade your old, tired fan. Check out online retailers like LightsOnline for a huge selection of ceiling fans and lighting solutions that will complement your existing interior design scheme and really bring the room together.

About LightsOnline

LightsOnline has helped people across the country find their dream home décor since 2009. They offer an extensive selection of premium lighting solutions and ceiling fans for a variety of interior design aesthetics. They know that the lighting world can be complex and confusing at times, which is why their trained experts are ready to help you find the right fixtures to suit any room or style. They offer ceiling fans from the best names in the business, including industrial ceiling fans, many featuring light kits. Whether you’re building your dream home or want to upgrade your existing ceiling fans, they have a solution for you.

Shop their selection of ceiling fans and premium lighting solutions at


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